We discussed taking a van trip in September. Originally we thought about Montana but decided that was just too far for the time we had. After further discussion we picked North Dakota. I wanted to visit Porcupine Mountains in the UP of Michigan so we decided to go the Northern route.

Our route west

Our route East


We camped at Hartwick Pines the last day it was open for the season. They are upgrading the electrical to handle 50 amps. Not sure why a camper needs that much but apparently the breakers keep getting thrown. The campground probably only had 30% of the sites taken by a bunch of old people like us.

Hartwick is a great place to stop on the way to the Upper Peninsula. In the old days we would just power through and drive 12 hours, not anymore.

We both liked our camp site in the trees.

This Weber grill was one of the first van items we purchased. We used it once and I decided it was not worth the mess. I decided to take it on this trip and bought some Mesquite wood at Lowes. We had burgers our first night and they were really good, the grill is back in the rotation.

Au Sable River Trail

This closed bridge looked a lot better than the open suspended bridge we hiked on in Peru. Both bridges over the Au Sable river were closed.

Back on the road and headed north on I75 to cross the Mackinac Bridge. We took our first break at a rest stop and saw signs for a scenic view.

Leann and Sammy checking out the view…..

No joke, this is the scenic view.


Very few campers, large private campsites: perfect place for a one night stop to eliminate another long day of driving.

I liked the shadow of the tree in the lake and on the beach.

White Birch which is one of my favorite trees and the bark is an awesome fire starter.

This place is probably packed in the summer.


I saw the sign for this and drove past. Idiot, you are retired. Take the time to take a look like you always said you would. I like when I have these conversations with myself. I turned around.

Interesting Birch tree. I tried to learn what causes this but all I found was peeling bark.

It rained hard the previous day so the river was thundering.


I have fond memories of a trip here with the girls: nice camping, good trails and plenty of quality family time. After dinner we drove to lake of the clouds overlook.


We then checked out Union Bay campground. What a mess, basically an open field with campers stacked like firewood. I am glad we didn’t book this.

Our first campsite was White Pine Extension Outpost. It was muddy after all of the rain. The campground was small and close to the main park road. In addition there was no water which wasn’t a huge deal, just annoying. Not ideal but Union Bay was a nightmare. I wanted to stay at Presque Isle but it was full.

Optical illusion, Lake Superior looks higher than the road. It is not.

We went to the visitor center to register for our campsite. Told the ranger where we were and he frowned. He said it must be muddy and it will not dry out until after they close. He said Presque Isle has 2 openings, want to move? Hell yes! This is where we stayed with the girls, the trip is coming full circle.

The campground brought back memories of our last time here with the girls. Our middle daughter (Julie) did not like thunderstorms.  One night we were all in the tent and I was the only one still awake.  Way off in the distance I heard a very faint rumble of thunder. I spent the next hour or so listening as it got closer and closer. I finally decided it was time to get every one up so we could wait out the storm in our van. Julie was getting more worried about the storm and all of the girls needed to use the restroom. We drove over to the restroom and parked as close as possible. Just as Julie got out of the van there was a loud clap of thunder. She screamed and ran into what she thought was the bathroom but turned out to be the shower. Fortunately nobody was using it. We laughed about this once we were all safely back in the van. Driving back to our campsite everyone was sitting in their cars and looking at us.


The river carved circles in the stone.

Nawadaha is an Ojibwa word meaning “in the midst of the rapids.”

This is the last section of river before it dumps into Lake Superior

Bridge over the river

Driftwood always make me think of The Count of Monte Cristo, what a great movie.

Shore on the second biggest lake in the world.

  • Largest lakes in the world
    • Caspian Sea: 149,200 square miles
    • Lake Superior: 31,700 square miles
    • Lake Victoria: 26,828 square miles
    • Lake Huron: 23,000 square miles
    • Lake Michigan: 22,300 square miles
    • Lake Tanganyika: 12,700 square miles
    • Lake Baikal: 12,200 square miles
    • Great Bear Lake: 12,096 square miles
    • Lake Nyasa: 11,430 square miles
    • Great Slave Lake: 11,030 square miles

3 of the top 5 are Great Lakes. We are planning a trip next year that might take us by Slave Lake in Alberta, Canada.

Sunset was the best we have ever seen. The grand finale was orange from the sun setting hitting a crescent moon, all reflected in the midnight blue of lake superior. Pictures do not do it justice:

First movement for classical music lovers

We moved directly to the third movement

Fourth movement, AKA finale

Cell phone service in the Upper Peninsula is crappy to non existent. I always get up first, have breakfast and make coffee. I then move to the front seat to read and drink my coffee. I took off the driver window cover and noticed I got a text, not a good one. Short version, we packed up and drove straight home 753 miles and approx. 13 hours. So much for eliminating long drives. Good news, all turned out well.


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