We laughed after booking the flights for this trip, almost every flight was 5 hours. Five hours to LA, then 5 hours to Hawaii and then another five to American Samoa. Then we had to do it in reverse. In typical Whyte vacation mode, we did it in a week.

#52 is in the books, we stayed for 2 days and did most of the trails in the park
Makaopuhi Crater
I look like a turtle sticking it’s neck out of the shell
Watch for the idiot that photo bombs my video at 25 seconds, look for the blue shirt
This is the view looking left from the Arch. Can anyone recognize the language at 10 seconds?
Puʻuloa Petroglyphs, there are approx. 23,000 petroglyphs found here. The lava flow is 500-550 years old.
Kilauea on a not so good day. Off to the airport and our five hour flight to American Samoa
This is the Hilo airport and we are past security. This open area with gardens was a very nice place to wait for a flight. We should have brought the tent and camped
#53, full disclosure but I am not sure we would have made the trip here if we did not have a goal of seeing all the parks. We would not go back again but the people were the friendliest we ever encountered. We were walking past a road crew and one of the workers asked if we wanted some of his lunch. Did we look that bad? We stopped and talked to him for awhile and told him where we were headed. Pretty sure he thought we were crazy.
It was hot and humid and there are not many trails in the park. We hiked what we could but did drive on every road on the island. Basically drive till we saw something we liked, get out walk take pictures and back to the car.
For some reason Leann liked this tuna canning factory, of all things.
I debated posting this, what the heck
What a great place for lunch and we had it all to ourselves.
Fruit bat
Apparently in high surf this is spectacular, not so much today
Are you looking at me? Does he/she look pissed or is it just me?
We had a long layover in Hawaii and Leann suggested visiting the Arizona since I am a history buff. Glad she did, it is a very special place, very solemn. It was amazing that people followed the rules and were respectful of the sacrifices made at this spot. It was very emotional.

Five hours to LAX and five hours to Cleveland. Where next? This trip was very hot and humid, maybe someplace up North?

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