The Quehanna Wild Area is 50,000 acres of protected land in mid central Pennsylvania. It is home to the 75 mile Quehanna Loop trail that starts and ends at Parker Dam State Park. We have not completed the entire loop but we have done enough miles here we probably should have.


This was our first trip to the area and by using the west connector you can complete a nice 20.5 mile loop trail. This begins and ends in Parker Dam state park.

Day 1 is 12.8 miles to a campsite on Trout Run. This is not the greatest place to camp but after a hard 12.8 miles I don’t really care. Day 2 is 7.6 miles back to the car.
Saunders Run
The climb after Medix Run is brutal, long and steep.
Leann after the climb
Taking a break on day 2


The east connector is a 25 mile loop that beings and ends on Reactor Road. The answer is yes, that kind of reactor.

Mosquito Creek
For some reason you could not get a picture of Sadie without her tongue sticking out.
This was the last trip we did with Sadie, she died later that fall.
Bridge over Red Run


Top of the killer climb
Trout Run campsite

Lots more pictures to come of our many trips here


Unfortunately Sadie died in 2009. Leann wanted to get another dog, me not so much. At the time I was travelling a lot for work and told her to go ahead and get another dog. She went to the pound to “look” and of course brought home a dog. We welcomed Sammy to the family by taking him on his first backpacking trip.

We were hiking and decided to let him off the leash to see how he would do. He went around a bend in the trail and disappeared like a fart in the wind, sorry for the movie quote. We looked and called and could not find him. We were only three miles from the car so we decided to hike back and see if he had made his way back, nope. We asked people in the parking lot if they saw a dog and nobody had. We ate our lunch and discussed what to do next. We were about done when one of the people we talked to about Sammy drove by and said someone had found a dog and taken them to the park office. We rushed to the office and sure enough Sammy was there enjoying the air conditioning why we were outside sweating away looking for him. Park employees also gave him some snacks. Apparently after going around the corner he ran to the next road crossing and a guy driving a truck saw him and stopped. Sammy jumped in the truck with him and got a ride to the office. After all this I was ready to call it a day and go home. Leann talked me into completing the trip.

Sammy tied up at camp, he has done a lot of hikes with us and is never allowed off leash.
Fern forest

Quehanna East Connector 2011


Lots of ferns

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