There goes our last national park, …….maybe.
Fall of 2019 and we planned a trip to Washington to visit the last national park on our list. Anita suggested a jet boat trip on the Salmon River in Idaho as part of the trip. We decided to fly into Boise and take a road trip to Seattle and our flight home.
The captain was an amazing boat driver, flying up class 4 and 5 rapids.
The captain liked to head directly at the rocks and turn at the last minute.
Heading back and we knew we were in trouble when they closed the windows at the front of the boat. We were flying down river and rapids when the captain killed the power. The boat did a nose dive and launched a wall of very cold water at us.
The captain backed into this and then floored it, it was like getting shot out of a cannon.
Dahl Sheep, look for them
After the boat trip we headed North and got some nice views of the Snake River.
Picnic by Grand Coulee Dam
Number 62 and it only took us 36 years. Maybe we set a record for taking the most amount of time to see them all. This was one of our favorite park signs.
The national park campground was very nice until after dinner a large group rolled in from Seattle. They decided the campground was their party house and decided to make a lot of noise and break most of the campground rules. What a bunch of assholes. Of course there was no one to call and the campground host was off work after 5. We talked to the rangers at the visitors center the next day and they could not care less, amazing.
You can see the switchbacks we climbed to get to the ridge
On another hike and headed to the pass
This trail went for miles but this is where we turned back.
It’s been an amazing journey to see all of the parks. What destinations and challenges await us? Time will tell.
A few months later Leann reads there is a new national park. Stay tuned.