First step in the floor process is to install mini cell foam between the ribs so the floor is a uniform height.
Leann measured
I cut
And glued, spray was nasty so rubber gloves and mask were required
First layer is done, turned out pretty well
On to the next layer, 1″ rigid insulation. Leann makes all of her own clothes and these skills came in handy when measuring the floor and making cardboard templates used to cut the insulation and plywood.
There are all kinds of information on what adhesive is good for the insulation, we tested 2 sprays that didn’t work and ended up using Loctite PL300 for the insulation and plywood
Insulation is in and we are ready for the subfloor.
First cut of the plywood. We picked Baltic Birch 3/4 inch sanded plywood. This was far and away the most recommended material: great finish, hard surface and very dense ply. It gave my drill a workout. Leann was better with the jig saw so she did the cutting. Next step was to glue a section at a time and lay down the plywood.
Canoes are called divorce boats because couples tend to spend a lot of time arguing while paddling. The person in the front thinks the person in the back is a moron and vice versa. Laying down very heavy, 3/4 inch sections of plywood in a very small space puts divorce boats to shame. We decided during the plywood install we spent 2/3 of the time arguing and about 1/3 doing the work.

Subfloor is installed, sanded and we are still married. Leann is going to try polyurethane in the front to see if we want to have wood floors. The back under the bed will be vinyl since that is going to be a storage area.

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