Old Loggers Path is a 27 mile loop located in Loyalsock State Forest in Lycomng County, Pennsylvania. We typically do this loop in 3 days: 10 miles the first 2 days and 7 miles on the last day. It has the unique distinction of being the only backpack trail (that we hiked) that begins and ends in a ghost town: Masten.
The trail is 26.94 miles and has an elevation gain of 3,727 feet. The camping is better if you do the trip in 3 days.
Sadie on our first trip to Old Loggers
Rock Run on day 1, great swimming hole with a waterfall. This is one of my favorite spots in Pennsylvania.
Nice view on day 2.
We attempted this trail 3 times but were only able to complete it once due to horrendous weather. Rain, wind and 40 degrees make for a miserable time.